Saturday, April 11, 2009

We are, who we think we are

Now playing: Blue October - Jump Rope
via FoxyTunes

I am who I think I am. If I think I am a loser, then I will be a loser. If I think I am a failure, then I will be a failure. You can't accomplish your dreams, or conquer your biggest obstacles, if you're constantly telling yourself, "You're not good enough", or "You'll just screw it up anyways". It also doesn't help when you have some of the closest people in your life saying those same things to you...but that's a totally different blog on a different day. I've spent the majority of my life, or at least the last 3-4 years of my life, saying those things to myself. It's no wonder that, putting it nicely, I am a single 23 yr. old virgin, living at home with his mom, with no car, no college degree, and working as a waiter at a sports bar. I am grateful for the life that God has given me, and know that in the end, God will have led me down the exact path that He chose for me to take. But I also know that I am not the best that I could be right now, I've made some poor choices in my life, and a lot of those choices, not all, some of them were just because of my poor judgment, but a lot of them were because of my attitude I had about my life, or life in general.

I am not saying that if I'd had a better attitude that my life would be different. Maybe I was just supposed to be a single 23 yr. old virgin, living at home with his mom, with no car, no college degree, and working as a waiter at a sports bar. Only God knows. All I know is that my life is better, my life is more joyful, and my future is brighter when I look at things with a positive attitude. When I remember that God is the conductor of my life, that every path I take, I am directed by Him, than everything else just falls into place. I am not a loser, I am not a failure. I am a child of God.