Saturday, January 31, 2009

Late Night Cravings

I just wanted to give a quick shout out to the late night food industries. Jack in the Box, Filibertos, Taco Bell, and even Circle K...I love you guys!

One of the worst feelings a guy can get is to get those late night hunger know the kind, you don't want cereal from the pantry, you don't wanna make anything, you don't want just a bunch of want something greasy, and preferably cheesy! I would also like to commend the genius behind stuffed jalapenos...they are definitely hitting the spot right now as they are not only greasy and cheesy...but also spicy! It's a threefer! Of course, this shout out would not be complete if I didn't mention the always mandatory, and always delicious, Dr. Pepper.

With my shout out complete, lets talk about something a little more important. Sports. Ok fine, WAY more important :) Tomorrow is Super Bowl XLIII (43 for all you who didn't learn roman numerals in school) , and as excited as I am to see the Cardinals in the championship, never thought I'd ever say those words, I can't help but once again realize how much I hate Arizona sports fans. The last time I felt like this was 2001...yep you guessed it, when the Diamondbacks went to the World Series. There will always be people who jump on the bandwagon, yet it seems Arizona has more than most. Maybe its because I was raised a Cubs fan, in my opinion the loyalist fans in any sports (you can't go 100 years without a championship and still have one of the largest fan bases without loyalty). Being a Cubs fan is more than just taking an interest in a team, or cheering them on when they play. Being a Cubs fan is part of my identity. My name is Chad, I am 23 years old, I love Jesus Christ with all my heart, I love sports, I love my family, and I love my Cubbies. Across the country, no matter where you go, you'll find Cubs fans just like me. It is that experience perhaps that drags fingernails down a chalk board in regards to Arizona fans. Pre-2001, the D-Backs had a very average fan base. However, the minute we get to the World Series, the entire state turned D-Back purple! Everyone everywhere was a DIE HARD D-BACKS FAN!! I can understand being excited, I was too. My favorite player of all time, Mark Grace, was among the veterans of the team, and I may add started the rally in the 9th to win it in game 7. However, where are all those fans now? We have a couple down years, and all of a sudden we're back to 2000. People on a hole could care less about the team, and only when September rolls around do they even notice the team might make the playoffs which point they get all their memorabilia out and parade around town proclaiming their avid love of the team.

This football season has shown that it isn't just Arizona's baseball fans that are so fickle...but football fans as well. In the last few weeks, I have seen the amount of Cardinals fan multiply more than I can even explain. Everyone is excited that "THEIR" Cardinals are in the super bowl, but most can only name a couple players on the team. You're not're spectators. I hope that these "fans" prove me wrong, and win or lose tomorrow, show up the next couple years with the same enthusiasm as I've seen the last few weeks. Signing off. Goodnight.


  1. I wish I had Jack in the Box and Filibertos (or Los Betos) around here!

    As a Cubs fan, and someone who spent the entire 1998-2001 D-Backs seasons at every game, I can tell you you couldn't be more correct about AZ sports fans. I live and die every day with the Cubs, and to a lesser extent, Da Bears. The final standings are important, but even if the Cubs were 50 back, every win or loss means as much to me as if it were a playoff game. Yet, if it were the playoffs, they mean even more. I can't even imagine how I would live and die over World Series games. It's not just a game, they're not just a team, baseball and the Cubs are part of my life.

    I hated the fans at D-Backs games, or the lack thereof... even after the WS winning year, the stands were half empty, and the other half was rooting for the other team. Are there really, truly, AZ sports fans out there? In my 20+ years in AZ, I can't recall ever meeting anyone who would have admitted to being a Cards fan, until 2 weeks ago, when I've heard form about 40 people that they've been lifelong Cards fans. HAHAHA.... Sure you are.

  2. lol I love how you go on random tangents about nothing and your blogs go from food to sports to arizona to god knows what else! haha! Your awesome buddy!
